Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Release of NiN10Doh!: To the 64th Power!

Here it is people, a year and a half in the making.

NiN10Doh! to the 64th Power!
[Runtime: Approximately 18 Minutes]
1) May not run correctly on Google Chrome.
2) If given a blank screen, reload the Movie and it should work.
3) The full size of the collab is about 40MB being loaded.

The third, not to mention BIGGEST, installment to the NiN10Doh! Animation Collab series. This time featuring spoofs of Nintendo games such as the Mario Sports series, Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, F-Zero, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Bomberman, Mischief Makers and more! A huge collection of talented Animators, including favorites from the previous two collabs and several new ones added to the mix. Also features some special guest stars, including LittleKuriboh (Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged), HappyHarry (Saturday Morning Watchmen), Matt Mercer (There Will Be Brawl) and Kajetokun (It's Over 9000!).

Major apologies for this thing taking so ungodly long to be finished. No joke, I intended for this thing to be done around this time a year ago, as the material had been written and recorded in the Summer of '09. However, due to the MASSIVE crew of people on this independent project, there were several on board that got incredibly busy with freelance jobs, real life issues to contend with and far more than you'll ever need to know the details on. That said though, they all pulled through and came out with some superb animation and I hope the likes of Nintendo fans, the folks here at Newgrounds and animation-junkies will all get a kick out of this collaborative effort; there really is something for everyone!

So HUGE thanks to all of the Triple-A team of animators, artists and actors that helped me make this way overly-ambitious project come to life. Thanks as well to all the special guest animators and actors that were interested in joining the project. Thanks Richie for once again programming and designing the menu as well as making this whole thing tie together...and of course, big thanks to Tom and Mike from the Newgrounds crew for sponsoring and hosting this project, not to mention helping it work in the first place!

What to say this time? Well, I'm NOT gonna say "this is the final one we will ever make, ever." because that's what I said when $00pah NiN10Doh! was released...and what happened? I found these projects way too fun to just give up forever because of worthless naysayers that wanna piss on our parade. WILL we be doing another one after this? Who knows, life gets busy for us all...but hey, we'll talk.


So there ya have it.

Interesting to note on here, as well...the way we managed to put this whole thing together is pretty unheard of in the Flash Cartoon world. As with each increasingly gigantic collab, it wasn't humanly possible to put all of these segments into one .fla file. So, we had to make each segment a separate .swf and string them all together into a single window and tie it all together by some complex coding done by Richie Zirbes, once again topping himself on the amount of contribution he makes to these projects.

Also, on the subject of if we're doing a 4th NiN10Doh! collab, here's the deal. I DO have some material written and people interested on the team is doing another one, however, there's many things that would prevent it from of those reasons is no longer the words of trolls who have some sort of single-minded view of me and my fellow animators that've been doing this collabs for the last couple years. To them I can say, fuck off. As far as what's preventing it, obviously we'd need to see if it were up for being sponsored again by Newgrounds as with the previous ones, as well as if free time even allows for both myself and the other animators. Truthfully, I'd MUCH more prefer to have a steady job of some kind, or freelance, anything that will start a path to lead me into the industry after I graduate in May. I'm still working on my thesis film of course and that has to be done by April, so that's getting my foremost attention. I'm not completely clear on what'll happen when I get outta school, but if it were up to me I'd prefer it not be "MAN, I HAVE SO MUCH FREE TIME! LET'S DO ANOTHER ONE!". But hey, if time permits, we'll do it. IF so, I can assure it'll be of a much smaller scale compared to this last one, so that it doesn't take a year and a half to be finished. Probably WAY smaller of a crew and not near-20 minutes. So yeah!

Hope you all enjoyed it and here's to a Happy New Year!

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